Bellach f'enaid gwan anadla

(Cyfaill goreu - Rhan II)
Bellach, f'enaid gwan, anadla,
  Anfon dy ymbiliau fry
A'th weddiau oll, yn wresog,
  O waelodion dyfnder du,
    At yr orsedd,
  Crist yw'r Archoffeiriad mawr.

Hwn, fy enaid gwan, yw'r Ceidwad
  Ddaeth i geisio'r pell yn ol;
Mae'n dwyn adref y colledig,
  'N dychwel y crwydredig ffol:
    Canant iddo,
  Byth am waredigol ras.

Ymladd a gweddia mwyach,
  Ymwrola dan y groes;
Paid a dysgwyl ond gelynion
  Ar yr union ddyddiau d'oes:
    Neb ond Iesu,
  Nertha'r eiddil ar y maes.
yr union ddyddiau :: dy yrfa, ddyddiau

Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

Tôn [878747]: Catherine (David Roberts 1820-1872)

  Rhan I - Iesu Cyfaill pechaduriaid
  Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig

(The Best Friend - Part 2)
Henceforth, my weak soul, breathe,
  Send thy petitions up
With all thy prayers, warmly,
  From the bottom of the black depth,
    To the throne,
  Christ is the great High Priest.

He, my weak soul, is the Saviour
  Who came to seek the far off back again;
He is bringing home the lost,
  Returning the foolish wanderer:
    They sing unto him,
  Forever about delivering grace.

Fight thou and pray evermore,
  Be brave under the cross;
Expect nothing but enemies
  On the upright days of thy lifespan:
    None but Jesus,
  Shall streng the feeble on the field.
the upright days :: thy course, the days

tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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